A Guide to Finding a Trustworthy Cosmetic Surgeon


It's not easy to find a good plastic surgeon London. The first step is to do some research, including speaking with the doctor in person and online.

Schedule a consultation:

A consultation with a cosmetic surgeon is an important step in the process. It's your chance to get all of your questions answered, check out the doctor's credentials and experience, discuss the procedure with him/her and get a sense of whether or not you feel comfortable enough with him/her for him/her to perform your surgery.

The most important thing to remember during this meeting is that you should never feel pressured into making any decisions about surgery at this point. You may have some reservations about going through with it after seeing pictures of other patients but remember that everyone heals differently and has different results from their procedures. The most important thing is that you're happy with how everything goes down!

Ask about board certification:

Board certification is a sign that the surgeon has completed a rigorous training program, and it’s an indication of expertise. In order to become board-certified, surgeons must undergo extensive training and pass an exam administered by their respective boards. Other surgeons then review their work in order to ensure that they meet certain standards and continue their education through continuing education courses.

Inquire about expertise and experience:

The first thing to look for when researching a cosmetic surgeon is experience. A good doctor will have experience with all types of procedures, from rhinoplasty to laser hair removal and everything in between, as well as with different technologies like lasers and injectables (fillers).

A good surgeon should also be certified by a recognized organization like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) or the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This certification verifies that they have completed formal training in plastic surgery before practicing on their own patients.

If you are looking at surgeons in your area, ask them if they have been through any specific training programs that will help them care for your unique needs as an individual with unique concerns. For example, some doctors specialize in breast reconstruction after cancer or mastectomy surgeries; others focus on facial rejuvenation: lifting sagging skin around eyes and mouth; still others specialize in body contouring such as liposuction or thigh lift--and so forth!

Get referrals from friends and family, or from your general practitioner.

Friends and family are a great source of referrals. You can ask your friends and family members who they trust as a cosmetic surgeon. If you’re not comfortable asking people in person, send them an email or a text message to ask for their recommendation.

If you don't have any friends or family who have gone through this process before, consider asking your general practitioner (GP). The GP is an excellent resource when looking for information about cosmetic surgery because they often work in the same office as other medical professionals such as plastic surgeons and dermatologists. They are also familiar with various procedures that may need to be performed before or after the procedure itself.

Research the doctor's before-and-after gallery:

It can be very helpful to see the results of other patients' procedures, especially if you're considering a specific type of surgery. Before-and-after galleries are usually featured on a cosmetic surgeon's website or in their office lobby.

Some good questions to ask about the before-and-after photos include:

     How long did it take for your desired results to appear? (This will help you determine how much time you'll have to wait.)

     Did they use local anesthesia or general anesthesia? What was their reason for using one over the other? (Local anesthesia is generally less expensive than general but involves longer recovery time.)

     Are these photos representative of what can be achieved with my body type and skin tone? (For example, if you have dark skin and want lip fillers, don't expect your lips to look as full as those pictured on Caucasian models.)

Don't choose a surgeon based on cost alone:

When choosing a surgeon, don't go for the cheapest or most expensive. Don't choose the one that offers you the most freebies and perks like a free consultation or liposuction on your thighs. And don't choose the surgeon who is the most in demand and therefore has an appointment schedule months out.

Furthermore, try to avoid picking someone because they are famous or well-known in their field. A plastic surgeon who has been voted "Best Plastic Surgeon" by his peers five years running may not necessarily be better than another who's just starting out but has been learning from great teachers for longer than he's been practicing his craft.*

Take the time to do your homework before you commit to any procedure or to any surgeon:

Before you commit to any procedure or surgeon, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your choice is the right one.

     Do your research. Most cosmetic surgeons will have a website with information about their practice and qualifications. You should also be able to find reviews of the surgeon's work on patient forums and sites like Yelp.

     Make sure they have the right credentials and experience for what you're looking for in your procedure. Some plastic surgeons specialize in breast augmentations while others focus on body contouring or facial rejuvenation—and each specialty requires years of training and specialized equipment that other cosmetic surgeons may not need or want to invest in.

     Choose a surgeon whose personality matches yours (or at least one who seems competent). While this may seem like an odd suggestion at first glance, keep in mind that there's no way for anyone but yourself to know whether or not someone is "right" for you—that's why we all have our own individual preferences when it comes down to making important life decisions! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!


When it comes to your health, you want to be sure that you’re in good hands. Cosmetic surgery is a big decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. By following these tips, you can ensure that the surgeon you choose is a trustworthy professional who will give you the results you want—and deserve.


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